7 Tips to Keep Your Head in the Game

Even the most technically accomplished tennis players can lose matches if they lack mental toughness. Before you step on the court, make sure your mental game is as sound as your forward hand, volley and serve. These seven tips will get you started.

Tip 1 – Control your Anger

Control-Your-Anger-580-300x191 7 Tips to Keep Your Head in the Game

“Oh Me arm how could I miss that volley! Come on focus you madman!

Sound familiar? Most of us are prone to get angry during a game, whether due to a missed overhead, double fault or the most simplest volley at a critical juncture in the match such as the seventh game with scores leveled at 3:3. Our natural inclination is to get really frustrated and loose our cool.

At this point don’t show any sign of frustration. this will tip off your opponent that he/she has got you on the back-foot and boost their confidence. Rather utter a few quick words to yourself to let out the steam; have a quick deep breath and just forget it and move on regaining your composure. Find more creative and fun ways to handle these pressure situations like laughing it off, or giving a joking commendation to the opponent then go get him or her back on the next point. This will boost your confidence and get you back in the Game.