7 Tips to Keep Your Head in the Game – Cont’d

Even the most technically accomplished tennis players can lose matches if they lack mental toughness. Before you step on the court, make sure your mental game is as sound as your forward hand, volley and serve. These seven tips will get you started.

Tip 2 – Focus on the Present

Be-Present-580 7 Tips to Keep Your Head in the Game - Cont'd

“I Should have put away that last forehand…these last three points I am really giving it away… Come on! Stay with it man!”


Sound familiar? There is a mental struggle that we also must defeat along with the person across the net from us. Most champions have found that the secret to mental toughness in the game is to stay focus on the present and not the past. When a player starts to think about the last point, game or set, he or she is prone to miss a shot or fail to recognize a strategic opening.


Here’s a quick solution that’s guaranteed to work. Have quick closure of past mistakes and erase them by speaking silently to yourself to stay in the moment. Follow the movement of the ball and call it out (quietly) as it moves. Words like “bounce” as it comes over the net, and then “hit” as you strike the ball works wonders to regain focus and maintain it during your present attack. Staying present will keep you in the game!