7 Tips to Keep Your Head in the Game – Part 3

Even the most technically accomplished tennis players can lose matches if they lack mental toughness. Before you step on the court, make sure your mental game is as sound as your forward hand, volley and serve. These seven tips will get you started.

Tip 3 – Support your Partner

400px-The_Bryan_brothers 7 Tips to Keep Your Head in the Game - Part 3

“Cant you do anything right?…you are throwing away the game!


Sound familiar? one of the most painful factors that contribute to the lack of success of doubles players is their inability to support rather than tearing down their partner.

Maintain an honest and positive support with your doubles partner no matter what happens or errors he or she makes.  This achieves two goals.Your opponents will see a united and powerful front and secondly, your partner won’t feel the pressure to perform. Remember you came together to make each other better. it’s not all about you and it’s not all about them. it’s about the partnership.

Staying positive will keep your partner in the game and increase your potential to win the match!